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Creating a safe haven for each other in a marriage can enable a couple to weather any storm. Yet that accomplishment is certainly easier said than done. Psychologists Arch Hart, Ph.D, and Sharon Hart May, Ph.D., present a detailed blueprint for establishing a marital safe haven so that couples can count on each other and avoid criticizing, blaming and shutting out their partners during tough times. Based on a new therapeutic approach that involves establishing a feeling of "safety," out of which commitment and the other necessary elements of a lasting and fulfilling relationship can grow.

Safe Haven Marriage by Dr. Archibald Hart

  • Paperback:  224 pages

    Publisher:  Thomas Nelson (2003)

    ISBN:  978-0785289470

    Abouth the Author:  Dr. Hart is a professional psychologist, a prolific writer and well-known speaker. He covers different topics including the treatment of panic attacks and depression as well as stress.

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